Monday, September 12, 2016


Ruben Tumert Hansen is an officer of Internal Communications And Digital Assets at United Nations Youth Association Network (UNYANET), President at UN Student of Stavanger. 
Today we shall be discussing his role as an Internal Communications and Digital Assets officer at UNYANET and also as a President of UN Student of Stavanger.

Here we go!

Ireh Kingsley : Hi Ruben, Welcome to the cruise interview.

Ruben : Thank you Mr Ireh  Kingsley. The pleasure is all mine.

Ireh Kingsley : So Ruben, You are currently the president of the UN Students of Stravenger. How did the organisation came about?

On the right we have Ruben Tumert Hansen (president of student of Stavanger) with his colleagues. 
Ruben: Yes, that is correct. It came about when a group of students decided they wanted to learn more about the UN system and about running a student organisation. We contacted the local United Nations Association, and we contacted similar UN Student organisations to check what they were doing, but mostly we started just by ourselves, signing a document saying who we are, making our bylaws, and started planning our events.

Ireh Kingsley : That's great! So your position as the officer of internal communications and Digital assets at UNYANET, how did it came about? And why are you so passionate about the UN and UNYANET works?

Ruben : That came about because over time, both within UNYANET and elsewhere, organisations often struggle with having a core that is very involved, and a wider mass of members who don't know how the organisation works or how to get involved, and to have a workflow and some resources that will be available to those who are interested without having to go through sending emails asking questions. It is my hope that we can achieve greater involvement from a greater number of our members, and increase the activity within the organisation as well as the activity between member organisations. As for my passion on UNYANET and UN matters, I sometimes have to force myself to have any belief in a better world. Typically after reading comments sections on blogs and news articles. So UNYANET is a place where I can get involved with youth who also work for betterment on a global scale, and not always feel it is an uphill struggle.
Ruben Tumert Hansen with the UNYANET member during the UNYANET General Assembly 2015 held in Romania.

Ireh Kingsley : Wow! And i know you are creating ripples in the world of Internal communications and Digital assets. Please can you enlight us more of what internal communications and digital assets is all about? And also can it bring about a sustainable development?

Ruben : Sustainable development of the organisation? I certainly hope so! That's one of the benefits of keeping communications to a platform where it will be available and searchable in the future, and where we don't have to discuss the same issues again and again whenever old experience leaves and new people come in.

So, my task is the facilitate the use of various tools for how we work internally as an organisation, to develop guidelines for this usage, to maintain a library of our assets (mainly photography and video thus far) and make sure both that this is available for our use and that we follow copyright rules when we do use these assets.

Ireh Kingsley : Ok. Can you tell us more about How did it come about? And how do you see its improvement in the next 15years?

Ruben : Slack is a tool, and is run by an external company which I have no affiliation to. If you know Flickr though, it's the same guy who made Slack. It's pretty new, but growing quickly. It is also free - and free in a way that I can be confident about, as they do not steal your info or sell you ads like Google, Facebook and Apple - but rather allows free use up to 10.000 messages, or unlimited in the case of non-profit organisations, and get their money from commercial companies using their tool.

The way it will help UNYANET to grow is by encouraging more transparency. It is a platform where we can have easy access to what the different work groups are doing, and we can easily find what has been decided before - unlike Facebook where old information is very difficult to find. There are more benefits though I think it is a very long answer if I continue :P
Ruben Turmert Hansen with the UNYANET board members and volunteers in Romania 

Ireh Kingsley : Hehe. The question seems to have a very long answer.
What was the most achievements you ever cherished as a youth? And why are your dreams moving towards world peace?

Ruben :Haha let me think about that one for a little bit. OK  ;) Still thinking, here.  I will say is Difficult considering your achievements for a norwegians - we are culturally coded to be modest about achievements :P

Ireh Kingsley : Wow! That's impressive. Can you tell me what techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organised?

Ruben : Wild panic as too many deadlines approach seem to work pretty well for me.

Ireh Kingsley : Do you think a leader should be feared or liked?

Ruben : A boss is the kind of person who wants to be feared. A leader is the kind of person who inspires ;)

Ireh Kingsley : Here is a brain teasing question. Tell me 10 ways to use a pencil other than writing?

Ruben : Wow, ten? You really want the long answers, eh?

Ireh Kingsley : yeah yeah ✌

Ruben : I guess number ten, if I ate meat, I'd skewer a baby duck and roast it. Number nine - drawing. Number eight, chewing to calm your nerves. Number six, scratching your back. Number five, counting so you don't miss point seven. Number four, use a lot of them to build a model cabin. Number three, self defence in case someone attacks you with a banana. Number two, see what someone wrote on a block of note paper after they tore off the page. Number one, use as a hair pin

Ireh Kingsley : Thank you for you time. I hope you will love to do this one more time?

Ruben : One more time? 😛

Ireh Kingsley : yeah ✌ yeah! So how do you think I rate as an interviewer?

Ruben : Haha difficult to judge without knowing the kind of setting the interview is for and also because of us doing it in writing rather than orally, but I'd say you asked interesting questions, you avoid the mistakes inexperienced interviewers might make such as too much leading questions or simple confirm or deny questions, and you keep a pleasant tone :).
Ruben Turmert Hansen 

Ireh Kingsley : Thank you Ruben for the nice gesture! So, what are you going to tell the youths out there who look up to you as their role model?

Ruben : Make your voice heard ;)

Ireh Kingsley : great!  Thank you so much for your time again. Indeed is really a privilege chatting with you.

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Ruben Tumert Hansen is an officer of Internal Communications And Digital Assets at United Nations Youth Association Network (UNYANET), President at UN Student of Stavanger. 
Today we shall be discussing his role as an Internal Communications and Digital Assets officer at UNYANET and also as a President of UN Student of Stavanger.

Here we go!

Ireh Kingsley : Hi Ruben, Welcome to the cruise interview.

Ruben : Thank you Mr Ireh  Kingsley. The pleasure is all mine.

Ireh Kingsley : So Ruben, You are currently the president of the UN Students of Stravenger. How did the organisation came about?

On the right we have Ruben Tumert Hansen (president of student of Stavanger) with his colleagues. 
Ruben: Yes, that is correct. It came about when a group of students decided they wanted to learn more about the UN system and about running a student organisation. We contacted the local United Nations Association, and we contacted similar UN Student organisations to check what they were doing, but mostly we started just by ourselves, signing a document saying who we are, making our bylaws, and started planning our events.

Ireh Kingsley : That's great! So your position as the officer of internal communications and Digital assets at UNYANET, how did it came about? And why are you so passionate about the UN and UNYANET works?

Ruben : That came about because over time, both within UNYANET and elsewhere, organisations often struggle with having a core that is very involved, and a wider mass of members who don't know how the organisation works or how to get involved, and to have a workflow and some resources that will be available to those who are interested without having to go through sending emails asking questions. It is my hope that we can achieve greater involvement from a greater number of our members, and increase the activity within the organisation as well as the activity between member organisations. As for my passion on UNYANET and UN matters, I sometimes have to force myself to have any belief in a better world. Typically after reading comments sections on blogs and news articles. So UNYANET is a place where I can get involved with youth who also work for betterment on a global scale, and not always feel it is an uphill struggle.
Ruben Tumert Hansen with the UNYANET member during the UNYANET General Assembly 2015 held in Romania.

Ireh Kingsley : Wow! And i know you are creating ripples in the world of Internal communications and Digital assets. Please can you enlight us more of what internal communications and digital assets is all about? And also can it bring about a sustainable development?

Ruben : Sustainable development of the organisation? I certainly hope so! That's one of the benefits of keeping communications to a platform where it will be available and searchable in the future, and where we don't have to discuss the same issues again and again whenever old experience leaves and new people come in.

So, my task is the facilitate the use of various tools for how we work internally as an organisation, to develop guidelines for this usage, to maintain a library of our assets (mainly photography and video thus far) and make sure both that this is available for our use and that we follow copyright rules when we do use these assets.

Ireh Kingsley : Ok. Can you tell us more about How did it come about? And how do you see its improvement in the next 15years?

Ruben : Slack is a tool, and is run by an external company which I have no affiliation to. If you know Flickr though, it's the same guy who made Slack. It's pretty new, but growing quickly. It is also free - and free in a way that I can be confident about, as they do not steal your info or sell you ads like Google, Facebook and Apple - but rather allows free use up to 10.000 messages, or unlimited in the case of non-profit organisations, and get their money from commercial companies using their tool.

The way it will help UNYANET to grow is by encouraging more transparency. It is a platform where we can have easy access to what the different work groups are doing, and we can easily find what has been decided before - unlike Facebook where old information is very difficult to find. There are more benefits though I think it is a very long answer if I continue :P
Ruben Turmert Hansen with the UNYANET board members and volunteers in Romania 

Ireh Kingsley : Hehe. The question seems to have a very long answer.
What was the most achievements you ever cherished as a youth? And why are your dreams moving towards world peace?

Ruben :Haha let me think about that one for a little bit. OK  ;) Still thinking, here.  I will say is Difficult considering your achievements for a norwegians - we are culturally coded to be modest about achievements :P

Ireh Kingsley : Wow! That's impressive. Can you tell me what techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organised?

Ruben : Wild panic as too many deadlines approach seem to work pretty well for me.

Ireh Kingsley : Do you think a leader should be feared or liked?

Ruben : A boss is the kind of person who wants to be feared. A leader is the kind of person who inspires ;)

Ireh Kingsley : Here is a brain teasing question. Tell me 10 ways to use a pencil other than writing?

Ruben : Wow, ten? You really want the long answers, eh?

Ireh Kingsley : yeah yeah ✌

Ruben : I guess number ten, if I ate meat, I'd skewer a baby duck and roast it. Number nine - drawing. Number eight, chewing to calm your nerves. Number six, scratching your back. Number five, counting so you don't miss point seven. Number four, use a lot of them to build a model cabin. Number three, self defence in case someone attacks you with a banana. Number two, see what someone wrote on a block of note paper after they tore off the page. Number one, use as a hair pin

Ireh Kingsley : Thank you for you time. I hope you will love to do this one more time?

Ruben : One more time? 😛

Ireh Kingsley : yeah ✌ yeah! So how do you think I rate as an interviewer?

Ruben : Haha difficult to judge without knowing the kind of setting the interview is for and also because of us doing it in writing rather than orally, but I'd say you asked interesting questions, you avoid the mistakes inexperienced interviewers might make such as too much leading questions or simple confirm or deny questions, and you keep a pleasant tone :).
Ruben Turmert Hansen 

Ireh Kingsley : Thank you Ruben for the nice gesture! So, what are you going to tell the youths out there who look up to you as their role model?

Ruben : Make your voice heard ;)

Ireh Kingsley : great!  Thank you so much for your time again. Indeed is really a privilege chatting with you.

Item Reviewed: MY INTERVIEW WITH RUBEN TUMERT HANSEN. 9 out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.

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