www.irehlivenews.blogspot.com_make_a_difference_now |
The idea of changing the world can be daunting. It is not only easy but understandable to think, I'm only one person; what can I really do? However, if every person thinks that, nothing will get done. But if everyone did just one thing to make the world a better place today, billions of acts of kindness, social responsibility and generosity would take place and wouldn't that alone change the face of this planet?
The world is an awfully big place and there are accordingly a huge number of things that you can do to make it an even more incredible place to live. But sometimes having so many options can be overwhelming and there may be ways that you can help that you never thought about before.
I said to myself " I am only one, but still I am one; I cannot do everything; but still I can do something; and just because I cannot do anything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. But I told myself I can do something good. Then, I thought of so many things like volunteering with a local organizations before moving on to international organizations which is a great way to improve the world around me. I'll be able to do the most direct good and see the impact on the people that I have helped . If I have a practical skill or can learn one, using that skill will offer the most good (skills like promoting peace with people affected by conflicts and violence or leadership trainings are good examples).
There are so many ways through which youths can engage themselves. Looking at it, I can Tutor disadvantaged kids, work at international organizations(related to promoting peace and love, sustainable development goals) as a volunteer.
Also I can reduce my impact which is another way I can really make the world a better place. To reduce the negative impact I have on the world around me. Being good stewards of the world has a significant and positive impact on my environment and helps me to preserve the planet for the next generation.
I can be consistent about recycling. Reduce the waste I produce and compost. Conserve water and grow some of my own food.
I notice how my happiness and well-being are interconnected with other people and the natural environment. Learn how I can leave a legacy of sustainable happiness.
I can be civically engaged. I exercise my right to vote. Bad politicians and policies can have an incredibly negative impact on our community and our environment. By not voting and letting our voice be heard, you are allowing opportunity for bad policy to rule. Be engaged in your city, states, and country by voting and talking with the politicians you support, as well as educating others on important issues.
Another way of making an impact is that I have to take pride in where I live. Take care of and take pride in the area where you live. This preserves the area not just for you but for everyone else in your community. If you have the opportunity to help, take it because not everyone will have the chance. You should also find ways to improve the environment where you live.
I can be nice. A lot of the time I can get so caught up in working to improve the globe as a whole that I forgot that there are lots of things that I can do every day at home that will have a positive impact too. One of the best things I can do easily and every day is to treat others how I want to be treated. I can buy something nice for someone as often as I can. This can be small things like making someone a birthday present, or big things like driving someone around until they get their car fixed, and doing a portrait of them as sign of friendship (like I do always). When we work together, everything runs more smoothly and we're better able to further invest those gains in benefiting the rest of the globe.
I believe strongly that our motivated, enthusiastic youths are born to win, they are born to reign in their lives because they are no ordinary youths. The youths are destined for greatness because
EVERY POSITIVE CHANGE STARTS WITH YOU! All thanks to United Nations Youth Association Network (UNYANET) and also AYAP for this understanding.